Monday, January 5, 2015


Something I love more than a good party is a themed party. Whether it's Halloween, dress up, or themed, it's a great way for people to be creative and an excellent conversation starter!

As I mentioned in A WEAR in Review, I went to visit my bestie at med school where we went to a friend of her's birthday parties, aka an 'R' party (Birthday girl's name started with an R). I thought that was a brilliant idea! It was difficult to find a good R idea that wouldn't mean going to the store and buying something. I spent days Googling and fretting over what I would be, and finally resigned to being Ron.
Rockstar & Ron Weasley
Ron Weasley. 

We got to the party, dressed as Ron and a Rockstar, and people loved it. It was unique (there were like 3 Rachael Ray's) and made people smile, cos who doesn't love a Harry Potter nerd? One girl even commented saying, "I love how you had a Ron shirt for the occasion" to which I promptly replied, "Oh, I have 2."

Which should surprise no one. 

Thankfully I'm practically the same size as I was when I bought this shirt at (....let me think, this is how he looked in Order of the Phoenix, which came out in 2007) 16.

Not only was my outfit a great conversation piece, it made people laugh, which is a direct representation of my personality. It also got people talking to me and when you only know one person in the room it is so helpful.

I am obsessed with the idea of a themed party and definitely have it in my back pocket for a future birthday (preferably one when I'm not living at my parents house?).

What would you dress up as at a "C" party? 


Shirt: Hot Topic
Skirt: Red Dress Boutique


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