Friday, June 29, 2012

Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you I have been changed for good

Katherine, Brandi, Kelli, Lizzy, Lindsay, & Me

Wow, the past three weeks have FLOWN by. This has been one of THE best experiences of my life, and I owe a huge part of that to these girls. They are some of the most beautiful people I've ever met. We've laughed, cried, smiled, scowled, danced, cuddled, sang, Pimmsed, borrowed clothes and shoes, and shared this incredible experience together.

Katherine: I don't even know where to start. From our lame and slightly awkward Facebook message shortly before the program started to becoming great friends we've had quite the journey. Words can't describe how happy I am to have met you (and have your help with my hair and make up!). You helped make my mornings more bearable. Thanks for fangirling over the Royal Family with me.

Lindsay: You are something else. Your huge personality makes you so much fun. You have some of the funniest memories from this trip (aka "I'd learn Spanish for him" "He speaks Portuguese" and "I just thought they were their own kind of breed") and I thank you for that (and that teenie bopper mag. Boyf.). You know how to bust-a-move and you are so much fun in every way.

Brandi: Oh Brandi. We have truly gotten close on this trip. From the awkward bus ride from the airport, to basically cuddling in Paris, and to saying the same things at the same time, we have really grown together. Some of the funniest memories (Myron...) involve you. I'm so glad we got to celebrate your birthday with you here, and it's going to get even crazier in Vegas next year!  

Lizzy: You have been a wonderful ray of sunshine in this sometimes rainy place. Conversations through the wall, me listening to your Skype conversations, and many other neighbor-y things we've really bonded. You are such a great person and I really enjoyed meeting your friends! You are so funny and have such adorable clothes! I can't express how happy it makes me to hear a knock then see your face pop through the door.

Kelli: You have taught me such a wonderful lesson.. and that lesson is that getting a random roommate can be a good thing. I had a bad experience in the past so, tbh I was slightly worried about this. Luckily, you're awesome and I'm awesome, so we meshed pretty well. In a way, you're to thank for this awesome group. I had found Lizzy and Brandi, and you had Lindsay and Katherine. If we hadn't have been roommate, who knows what would have happened! You've been a great roommate and also a great friend, we've had some good times as roommates. You've restored a new hope in me!

Of course that's just a small portion and 'thanks' to everyone. It truly has been a wonderful time, but if I think too hard, I'll probably cry. Fortunately, we have plans. Plans for the near and far future. First up is Vegas for Brandi's 21, then many more places after that until, eventually, we form a company and help make so many of our life-long dreams come true. Funny how we all got put together and by one day working together we are going to accomplish all of our dreams, together? That's surely more than a coincidence, it's fate.

I've heard it said That people come into our lives for a reason Bringing something we must learn And we are led To those who help us most to growIf we let them And we help them in return Well, I don't know if I believe that's true But I know I'm who I am today Because I knew you...


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