Sunday, May 31, 2015

New Year's Re-SEW-loution: May

Screen+Shot+2015-05-30+at+11.33.57+PMThis month's project has certainly been an interesting one.

This seemingly simple-to-make dress hit so many road bumps along the way, I'm surprised I still have my sanity. But unforeseen moments and soul crushing roadblocks make for good video.

Speaking of, the video is longer than usual because so. many. things. happened while making this dress, and luckily, they were all caught on camera!

I present to you: The Flatline Dress. 

I showed a rough (and much longer) cut of the video to my mom and I was laughing so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes. Granted, I cry very easily, but I'm glad I can get a good laugh at myself. 

Oh, and did you notice Bogart had to make his cameo?? Did you see him look straight at the camera???? Whatta ham! 

But his comforting me is not an act — rather it's 1000% genuine! If you're frustrated or crying and reacting similar to I was, he'll come over and hop up on your lap and just lick you until you feel better. Even while editing the video, he'd come from wherever in the house he was and check on me when that portion of the video was playing. What am I going to do without him???? 

I bought this fabric from Girl Charlee and it cost (including shipping) $16.16. Not too shabby! 

Even with all the hiccups along the way, I LOVE this dress. None of my blunders are visible — hallelujah — and the fit is incredible, the color looks good with my pasty fair skin and green eyes, and the combinations of way to wear this outfit are utterly endless. 

As you can see here, I wore it with a long peacock necklace, blue wedge sandals, and a milkmaid braid. I think this will be my go-to casual look. I can easily take the look up with a shorter necklace and some wedges and curled hair. Or, come cooler weather, pair it with a fur vest or fitted blazer or leather jacket and combat boots. I'm very excited for all the possibilities, so it's fair to say you can expect to see me in the dress a lot

Finished on Tuesday, the day following Memorial Day.
Filmed the vlog on Wednesday.
Began to edit it on Thursday.
Was incredibly busy on Friday,
and finally finished the video on Saturday.
Then it took a whopping 8 hours to upload on YouTube! Had it not taken so long, this post would have been up yesterday.

It's the last day of the month and I juuuust made it. Yes, the goal is to make the item of clothing in the month, but I think it's just as important for the videos to fall under the same deadline.

I am ready for June's project, with my fabric and zipper already purchased! Fingers crossed it's a smoother ride than this month!


Necklace: Charming Charlies
Shoes: TJ Maxx


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