Monday, May 7, 2012

Disney Divas

So Ansley and I went to Disney this weekend and did our first 5K. And if you know me, I'm not a runner. I have exercise induced asthma, and can hardly run around the block with out it making my chest feel like I'm dying.
We went down and the day of we walked around Downtown Disney since our hotel was a swift walk from there. On the way, we saw an otter in a lake in front of one of the hotels. It wasn't there on our way back, so hopefully it got rescued! We got Cinco de Mayo drinks at the incredible Rainforest Cafe. Then we went back to the hotel and had a little dance party and got ready for our 5K.

We were in the 8th (and final) wave of the 5k, so we didn't start running until 42 minutes after the first wave had left (and some had finished already!). The 5K went through the parking lot, through Animal Kingdom. There were 3 "obstacles" we had to do also; jump hay bales, jump through tires, and crawl under a net. Once the race was completed we had to do our scavenger hunt. We had four clues then a final one that got us into the after party. The scavenger hunt also went through the park and ended in Dino land. We got some Poweraide, our medal (that doubles as a compass!) and then Ansley and I went to ride the Expedition Everest coaster. BEST. COASTER. EVER. It was incredible. We rode it twice then headed to check out the rest of the party. We came across a circle of people and there were two people having what looked like a dance off. They finished and the Ice Ice baby started playing. Not wanting to waste an opportunity to dance, I headed out there. I dragged Ans along with me and we, along with this other really good dancer, danced until the party ended at 2 AM. So that's at least 3 hours of dancing. I could hardly walk back to my car, but it was absolutely worth it.
During the dance party, we danced with Baloo from The Jungle Book. He was quite a character (ba-dunch!) and we shimmied, did the Bernie, and some Latin moves and much more! There was a guy doing video too, and the camera LOVED us. The other guy dancing was AWESOME. He had moves like Jagger, for reals.
The party finally ended and we were heading out of the park. We ended up chatting with the really good dancer and turns out he's from Sweden! He's currently an au pair for a family in the states and they were here for the race. He was really nice and we're kicking ourselves for not getting his name!!!
We, team named the Disney Divas, finished the 5K in 39:16, which is INCREDIBLE. I was shocked, honestly. I thought it would take me way longer than that. I would totally do a 5k again, but I need to work on my running and getting my asthma in check.

In other news, I had to leave B here while I was there, and I was told he cried the entire first night I was gone, and he's limping. So that's basically the epitome of pathetic and sad.  :(

ALSO- I'm a senior in college! woop woop!!

Have a great week! 


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