Sunday, June 10, 2012

As You Wish


We had orientation today. That was pretty typical. We had a policeman come talk to us and he was hilarious. After that, some friends and I went to the mobile store to get, you guessed it, mobiles. Then we went to Whole Foods and got some lunch and I got some Cheerios to munch for breakfast and some granola bar things.

Then we took a bus tour of the city. It was really fun; we rode a tour bus and a 2-story one but not one of those red double deckers. It was informative and really cool to see everything. I wish we had made more stops, but whatevs.




I'm a little exhausted and don't feel like typing much about the day. Basically the tour was it. There were some funny moments, like:

tour guide: "He decided to sell it and with the money buy large portions of Canada" 
me (a little too loudly): 'why?!"
everyone around me: cracking up

And also some person didn't park well and the bus was trying to turn and big bus + narrow streets = not the best combination. We didn't hit the car.... but the very back of the bus (we were in the last row) hit the street light! (They are on poles connected to the ground here, not hanging over head).

There have been some great American jokes; from our police man and us.

Should be headed out in a few minutes to a pub for some fish n chips and Pimms. Shall update you later!



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