Saturday, June 9, 2012




Well. I arrived.
Friday was a busy day. I had to clean, finish packing, go to the bank, go to my moms office then go to the airport. My sister met us there too and we had lunch and had a jolly good time. Then I went through security and all that jazz. MY dad was flying from Pennsylvania to Fayetteville and just so happened to have a lay over in ATLANTA at the same time I was waiting to board my flight. I was so happy I got to see my daddy before I left. I ran up and gave him a BIG ole hug and even cried a little.



Then it was off to NJ. My plane was delayed a little but we still made it on time. When I arrived in Jersey it said my 10:05 flight was now leaving at 10:45.... if only! We ended up leaving around 11:30 (ugh). I was starving and we didn't get food until 1AM. I watched The Princess Bride while I waited, ate, and waited. Then I tried to get some sleep. I got some, but not that much, I'd guess about 3 hours. I was awoken to the word "breakfast". I had to fill out this little card that stated who I was, why I was there and where I'd be staying. Then breakfast was served.. and what a wimpy one it was!



We finally landed and got through customs, though they had to triple check my "letter of immigration" to make sure it was valid. Then I couldn't  the AIFS rep who was supposed to be picking me up. Luckily I found a girl who had the AIFS tags and stuck with her. Then we found our peeps, and waited for at least another hour. We finally left the airport and got to the dorm I'm at around 2 (I landed about 11:30!). We got out packets with info and took our stuff to our rooms. We had a walking tour at 3. I went on that and it showed us the area and High Kensington Street which has lots of great shops. Some friends and I went back and got some needed items (shampoo, conditioner, snack foods...)
I got back and skyped with my parents and then rode the tube (Mind the Gap) and went to Chipotle with some friends for dinner, super English, right? lols



This city is so beautiful. The weather today has been GREAT. Blue skies with puffy white clouds, good wind and awesomeness. I also LOVE that this city is so dog friendly! Dogs are EVERYWHERE!! Inside and outside the stores- as long as they're well behaved people don't mind!!

So, that is a summary of day 1 here in London!



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