To the Daddy who...
To the daddy who rocked the Coke bottle glasses
To the daddy who was a great napping partner
To the daddy who works to protect our freedom
To the daddy who rocks the camo and lets me steal his jacket so I'll blend in
To the daddy who always walks by my side
To the daddy who passed along all his silly faces to me
To the daddy who gave my my eyes, personality and legs
To the daddy who has loved my momma for 34 years (and counting!)
To the daddy who has allowed us to have pets!
To the daddy who has accomplished so much it's an honor to be your daughter
To the daddy who comes to all the important events in our lives
To the daddy who has welcomingly accepted B as our first indoor pet!
To the daddy who is there to lean on, including but not limited to napping on
To the daddy who has accepted our weirdnesses and played along like it was normal
So, to the greatest daddy in the world, I want to say I LOVE YOU.
Who's the daddy you refer to? Where'd you find him? Lovingly, daddy