Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hodgepodge of Life

Well I've begun the first semester of my last year of college. Wow, how time has really flown. B and I are adjusting to a new house and going back to school.

I really like our new place. It's a super cute peach house with a balcony and a lovely neighborhood with LOTS of kids our age around, and lots of dogs- YAY! Shelby and I take B on walks like every night to give him and ourselves some exercise and it also gives us a change to meet some of our neighbors.

The first week of school has been pretty good. I have one class MWF, and three on T/TH, and an evening lab on Tuesday evenings. So it's not a bad schedule at all. I have friends in all my classes except my Anthropology class, but it's a 300-person lecture hall... so I don't really mind.

It's so crazy to think that this time next year I'll have already graduated, and will hopefully have a job or be living in London. It's crazy how much I mis that place. It oddly feels like home to me; my heart is still there. Maybe it's a temporary thing, the living there and loving it so much, but when I was there it just felt so right. Don't get me wrong, Canton/Athens/anywhere my friends/family are is amazing, but this current Georgia heat is making the MAYBE 75 degree weather of London look so incredible. Because not only is it miserable here, that is my favourite type of weather.

Happy news: I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT! I'm so beyond excited. I can't wait until my sister and her hubby find out the gender. I'm crossing my fingers for a girl. Tutus, headbands, cute onesies, and the flower girl for my wedding, as long as that happens in the next 5 years! Ha! (Fingers crossed). The baby is due in mid-February, but I'm thinking it'll come a little sooner, judging by the size of my brother-in-law and the lack of size from my sister. So maybe it'll come round my birthday!

Life isn't much more interesting than that for me lately. I shall let you know if any of that changes.

Stay cool and God Bless. <3 


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