Friday, July 10, 2015

Shoesday: Juicy Wedges

SHOES+Juicy+Wedges5It's been a while.

Things have been crazy and because of that my blog has been slightly neglected. Between familial obligations, so much family in town the only silent moment is when we're all fast asleep, many days working on sets in the blazing heat all day in pants and long sleeves (I'm talking 6:30AM until 8PM), and that alone takes at least a day to recover from, and now Shark Week and we all know it's one of my favorite time of the year, my blog has taken a hit.

Well, not just my blog. My free days are spent in some form of comfortable clothes and a tank top or t-shirt with frizzy hair, so I haven't quite had the inspiration that I usually do.

So I'm putting my foot down and cranking this out while my niece (and I think sister) are napping, and what better way to celebrate a come back than with SHOES. My favorite thing to collect.

It was love at first sight with these shoes, as it often is.

I don't quite remember how I cam across these babies, be it in the Sunday advert or browsing the website looking for something to wear to my brother's wedding, but I knew I had to have them.

SHOES+Juicy+Wedges3These Juicy Couture Perforated Peep-Toe Hidden Wedge Shootie have been an excellent addition to my wardrobe. Though all Juicy Couture stores in the US have been closed (international stores are still open), a condensed line is now sold at Kohls.

....I already love Kohls.....

I'm obsessed with the LC Lauren Conrad line (if you haven't noticed) and their Elle collection is pretty amazing as well. Adding another big name to their repertoire and all the promotions, sales, and discounts still work towards purchasing it makes my heart —and bank account— incredibly happy. Add on top of that I had gift cards from graduation that had been sitting in my wallet in hopes to be used for home goods once I move out, but since I'm moving to London soon I figured the purpose of the cards can be changed and used to get a little SHOEgar.

Designer on a discount is my favourite

SHOES+Juicy+Wedges4These shoes zip up the back and fit really well overall. The zipper is a little hard to zip/unzip but that provides the security of the shoe not coming unzipped while wearing them.

They also hit higher up, just above the ankle. It doesn't interfere with regular walking but I probably should have made sure they were a little more broken in before I wore them (and spent the entire night dancing in them) at my brother's wedding. I still have a slight scar from the blister.

Totally worth it, though.

The rubbed spots above my ankle were the only things that hurt while dancing. The rest of the shoe was incredibly comfortable to dance and walk in. Yes, my feet hurt once I took the shoes off, but it would have been just the same dancing in flats or barefoot.

SHOES+Juicy+Wedges1I'm hoping the more I wear these the less stiff they'll become around the top of the shoe where it rubs. If all else fails I can just do the ole thick socks and a hair dryer trick.

I see a lot of great use for these shoes in the future. The neutral color and simple design allows the shoes to be worn year round. Pair these shoes with shorts, pants, dresses, or tights and you're set to go!

Wedges are taking the world (and my shoe collection) by storm because we women are realizing they are about 1093489x easier to walk in... and on cobbled streets that are common in Europe, my wedges will surely be taking up more space than my heels in my living space.

Oh, side note: These posts have previously been Shoesday Tuesdays but I believe shoes can be celebrated no matter what day of the week!

Second side note: If you're looking for a major throwback, the staple Juicy Couture velour jumpsuits are sold at Kohls.

Third side note: My sister fell asleep but my niece didn't. I was enlisted to work my magic and my niece was out in under 10 minutes. #BabyWhisperer



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