Monday, May 19, 2014

Shine Bright like a Rose Gold Diamond


There comes a time in every girls life when she needs a little lotta sparkle. One such occasion is a celebration. 

 It's the moment that anyone who enters college looks forward to — graduation. Last week that day came for my best friend and I was so happy for her I had to wear my excitement. Obviously this isn't what I wore to the ceremony (You can see & read about what I wore to the ceremony here) but it's what I wore before and after. 

My completed look

But, wearing sequins can be really tricky. There's a fine line between wearing sequins and doubling as a disco ball. The number one thing to remember when wearing sequins is to keep everything else low key! Too many loud pieces clash, and you end up looking like at the winner at a tacky sequin party. 

Jewelry wise, I wore my Michael Kors watch and a cuff bracelet (which I later took off), an undershirt that complemented the rose gold color of the top, a light jean, and nude sandals. Even my makeup was very light. My hair was curled, but only because I wanted it to look nice for the graduation. 

Normally when I wear this top, I keep my hair straight and often pinned back on one side — if not up altogether. Sequins and long hair aren't always the best of friends. I usually wear my brown watch and no other jewelry, but because I was attending a graduation and changing clothes, I didn't want to have to deal with changing jewelry, so I just wore the jewelry that would go with the nicer outfit.  

Sequins is one of the top things to wear to make you feel fabulous. Whether it's to spread Christmas cheer, summer sunshine, or wanting to celebrate a special occasion, sequins are an excellent way to go!

When do you like to shine?


Sequins Top: Cheeky Peach
Brown Sung Tank: LiviRae Lingerie
Pants: American Eagle
Shoes: Macy*s


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