Friday, October 10, 2014

Extra, Extra — Red Band Society


You've probably seen by now but incase you missed it, I was recently in an episode of the new Fox show "Red Band Society".

While I made the stupid brain blip of not taking a picture of my outfit (way too exhausted) it wasn't seen so it really doesn't matter.

But if you insist...

Dress: Charlotte Russe

It was this dress (picture taken in January 2013 in NYC). 
Paired with black heels, no jewelry, and my hair curled.

The #1 question I keep getting is,
"How did you get on there?" 

Well, it's pretty simple: Facebook!

A lot of TV shows and movies are filming in Atlanta and when they need background actors they use Georgia based casting companies who then post notices on Facebook.  If you fit the description of what they're looking for, you submit your information. If they're interested they'll e-mail, call, or text you, check your availability, then book you.

Days on set are loooong and call times are often early. It took 2 days to film the homecoming scene. We were filming in an old school on the south side of Atlanta. Day 1 had a 7:30AM call time and needless to say, I was a little late (who knew Atlanta had traffic at 6:30 AM?!?!) but a phone call to inform them of such was all I needed to cover my tail (Casting companies are very picky and they are not afraid to never work with you again if you get on their bad sides. They have a reputation to maintain and will not let people ruin that). That night we didn't leave until late (well over a 12 hour day) and had to be back at 9:30 the next day (for which I still had to leave over 2 hours early to combat Atlanta traffic) for another long day.

Summary of a day on set as an extra?
IMG_2740Wait, wait, hurry hurry hurry, wait, wait, charge phone, wait....

When they're ready for you, they hurry you from holding to set, get everyone in place, run practice shots to make sure the cameras are right, then film a number of takes. Once they're done they move the camera and do it all over again.

Dancing scenes are very interesting to film. This wasn't my first, so I knew what to expect this time around. Once the director yells "ACTION!" the music cuts off. And they use the same snippet of the same song ALL. DAY. You hope they don't use a song they like because you will be so sick of that song by the end of the day never hear the song ever again would be too soon. You also have to keep in mind to NOT mouth the words to the song they are playing, because that's not the song that will be used in the show. Talk about awkward...
Speaking of awkward, have you ever danced to music? Then danced when there was no music? It's like all of a sudden you don't remember how to move in a fluid motion along with a basic beat. So if you ever see an extra dancing terribly, please don't blame them. It's really hard to continue dancing when there's no music.

IMG_2742Obviously, this scene was homecoming. Homecoming calls for heels, dresses, and dancing. Dancing in heels in a dress for hours is exhausting. Add in all the shuffling up stairs, down stairs, and standing, your feet are ready to emancipate and run away to Mexico a couple hours in. That's why it's imperative to bring flip flops/slippers to wear during your breaks.

No, you don't get to hang out with the cast. No, you're not allowed to approach/talk to the cast. (they're brought out when they're ready to film. They are there to work. If they talk to you that's ok, but don't stop them and gush about how much you love them. It's very unprofessional.) No, don't stare straight at the camera. No, you're not supposed to mingle with the director. No, you're not supposed to take your phone to set and take pictures/videos. No, they're not afraid to kick you off set and never use you again.

Sneak Peek!
I got a white band!
Being an extra is fun, but it's also a job. You have to keep in mind that the better you listen and obey, the quicker you will be done.
And if you're professional and worked well, they likely will ask you to work again — either on the same show or a different one. About 2 weeks ago I got a text from the casting company that casts RBS, asking me to come back for another episode. This episode is scheduled to air in 2 weeks — I'll be walking with a nurse (another extra) with my arm in a sling. Depending on the camera angle they use I may or may not be seen. It's in the scene where new cast member Daren Kagasoff is wheeled in to the room. I walk by as he's entering the room. Mark your calendars! 

What show/movie, past or present, would you like to be an extra in?


PS- PLEASE, CLICK HERE and VOTE FOR ME!  It's an amazing opportunity for me to go to New York for a week and experience a week as an entertainment journalist, AKA my dream job! You can vote once a day (with each e-mail address) — please make sure you type in the capitcha code and get the verification e-mail! :) 


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