Monday, October 13, 2014

Raising a Parting Glass

My beloved Grandpa passed away on October 1st.

He went fast, but had a beautiful 88 years  and he was ready to go home and see his wife! It's strange when someone who is a constant in your life is suddenly no longer there. I would always joke with him and tell him he has to stick around until I got married, to which he always replied "well you'd better hurry up." He was a wonderful man and I'm so grateful that I got 23 years with him.

Grandpa & "Beauregard"
They were best of friends!
 Since everything happened so quickly in the end, my sister and I decided to take a trip to the outlet mall and look for something funeral appropriate (she didn't have time to pack funeral wear, and I'm always looking for a reason to go shopping). We were disappointed in the lack of appropriate options, but as we were about to head to the car she suggested we take one last stop in the store called C Wonder.

Funeral fashion etiquette has changed over the years. Families and friends no longer wear all-black and instead opt for black with a different colored patterned or dark shades ("jewel colors" as my aunt said). Funerals are less about mourning that your loved one is gone and more about celebrating the life they had, especially when they are lucky enough to have a full life. I'm still dealing with it and learning to cope, but that's all part of the process.

My sister and I headed to a sale rack lined with a number of dresses in the jewel colors and I immediately gravitated towards the dark green one. I like to wear green because it brings out my eyes and it would be funeral appropriate because I have my grandpa's eyes. I pulled the dress off the rack and almost gagged when I saw the price. How could this be so expensive? It's on the sale rack. This isn't the only one on this rack. It's got the other sizes and colors! I pull another dress off the rack and see it's price tag covered with the sale sticker.  Phew 
Dress: C Wonder
Necklace: Kohls
Bag: Kate Spade

It's a lined, knee-length lace dress with ¾ sleeves. It came in a couple different colors that I honestly didn't even look at, much less remember what they were. I got the dress for about 70% off retail price, which was AWESOME. I wasn't the only one wearing lace at the funeral, either. My cousin, and the newest Godwin were also wearing lace dresses. Great minds think alike, right? ;)

I paired it with a long gold necklace, nude heels, and my Kate Spade bag. I contemplated putting my hair up, but I didn't have the time nor the energy, so I pinned the upper half back and left it long.

He had a beautiful funeral. We sang, we laughed, a bugle played TAPS, the Navy presented the flag to my Uncle (the firstborn and now Godwin patriarch), and lots of tears were shed.

After the funeral we had a gathering with family and close friends at our house and it was lovely. My grandpa's twin sister was in attendance (for the funeral and the gathering) and she is such a joy. It's amazing how spry she is less than 2 months from turning 89! Fun fact, she set up my grandparents up on a blind date! and the rest is history!

Once the post-funeral gathering whittled down and all that remained was the brothers and their family my uncle made a beautiful toast,

"When your lot is drawn and it's time for you to go, they raise a parting glass."

and to that toast, my family took a shot of wild turkey (because he liked to hunt) in remembrance of my William Avery Godwin, Jr. 

RIP 12/7/25 — 10/1/2014



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