Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Ghosts of Hallowe'ens Past

Tis the season to be someone you're not. 

IMG_9163Over the years, Halloween has changed from being an adorable monster or princess to being the sluttiest, most revealing costume possible.

I've come to realize I'm in a point in my life where I don't do anything for Halloween. I don't have many friends in the area, it's too cold to go outside at night in a cute little costume, I'm too old to go Trick-or-Treating (I don't eat that much candy, anyways!), and I'm too cheap to go to some party where I have to pay for alcohol and/or drive all the way to & from the destination.

But I have a soft spot in my heart for dressing up. Whether it's costume, fancy, or crazy, I just can't resist.

I can't remember the last time I actually did something for Halloween, but I guess that's part of growing up. I'm sure I have many years ahead full of Halloweens with parties and trick-or-treating, so a few years off is probably a good thing.

halloweenTwo years ago I had a costume and nowhere to go. What's a girl to do? Put it on for 5 minutes for a picture, of course!

I used the hat that wouldn't stay on my head and put it on Bogart, alas making us a couple costume.

The Army woman costume was borrowed from my amazing bestie. I'm a huge fan because it's young and fun but not slutty. Also because the color of the costume brings out my eyes.

Pair this costume with black boots (which means socks to keep your toes warm!) and a black leather jacket and viola! A cute costume that you can also be warm in without hindering your costume!

IMG_5386Fun Fact: two of the top sluttiest costumes on the market are both of my parent's professions: Army Woman and Nurse. Talk about awkward.....

Since I didn't wear the costume out, Bogart didn't have a chance to show off how adorable he looked in the hat, nor did I feel the need to purchase a costume for him (at the time I had no idea in 2 years time he'd be my forever dog), so I didn't want him being completely unfestive when Halloween rolled around. So I used a little eye shadow and he transformed into Petey from the Little Rascals! (Don't mind the ring around the wrong eye... Creative liberty!)

Last year on Halloween I did have a place to go — work. Since I worked at a lingerie store we, of course, dressed up! We had an array of costumes between us all, from a doctor in scrubs, a full-on wolf costume to lingerie (corsets) clad ensembles. I don't like the idea of spending $50+ on costumes that I'll wear once a year, so I wanted to get creative with it. Needless to say, my creativity KILLED it. I walked in and some of my coworkers about fell out of their chairs laughing.

I present to you.... The White Trash Queen.

From head to toe: 

I rolled sections of my hair with newspaper.

My coworkers gave me a make-up black eye.
My lipstick was all over my lips/face.

My shirt was very low cut and my bra was partially hanging out.

My faux baby bump was made from crinkly packing paper.

Leggings, because duh.

The only baby doll I could find in my house was my Molly Dolly (so, so sorry Lunette!) so she was strapped to my leg via a bandana.

My flip flops had a chunk missing from them.

Candy cigarette and a bottle of an alcoholic beverage complete the look!

Hands down this has to be the best costume I've ever worn.

I have no plans for this year, unfortunately, because I thought of another great costume idea. Alas, I'll be on set all day playing a hospital patient, so I guess that counts?! Maybe my idea will have to wait another year, as long as I don't make any drastic changes to my hair.

What's your favorite costume from Halloween's past? 



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