Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Want it Wednesday: Ideal Christmas List

It's Christmas time and it's easy to get carried away as the sugar plumb fairies dance in your head. We all have those items that we can only dream of getting and daring to put them on your Christmas list will get your family laughing straight through the New Year.
Well, this blog is entirely dedicated to those items. In a world where price doesn't matter, these items would be topping my list (in no specific order). 

Spoiler Alert: this is a very superficial post, so if that offends you please click off now :) 

Without further adieu... My ideal Christmas List!


Classic Chanel Handbag 
One of the classiest bags on the planet, in my opinion.
It's not a flashy bag but when I see the signature quilting and chain straps, my heart starts a-flutterin. 
It may not stop some people dead in their tracks in passing, but boy would I kill to have one draped over my shoulder.


Burberry Cotton Gabardine Cape 

This cape takes the traditional Burberry trench coat and puts a fashionable twist to it. 
&& I'm totally obsessed with capes right now...


A pair of black Louboutin's 
Much like the Chanel handbag, these are just classy and iconic. These babies will help you drop some jaws as you are struttin' your stuff, head held high in these babies. I honestly don't know what more to say about these because they just speak for themselves. 


Bentley Continental GT Speed
This car is just hot. Nuf Said.  


Flat in London
To anyone who knows me this should come as no surprise. 


Because no Christmas is perfect without an adorable puppy under the tree! Besides, Bogart needs a playmate! 

What items are on your ideal Christmas list? 



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