Saturday, May 2, 2015

Royally Speaking

tumblr_nnqo6t7Uca1rkja2po1_500If you happen to live under a rock and haven't heard, the royal baby has arrived and

it's a girl!

Her name has yet to be released but the world is ecstatic!

I, for one, am looking forward to seeing the fashionista this girl will [grow up to] be.

tumblr_nnqbkw2PiZ1s7g60mo2_250Before our first glimpse at her, we were graced with a little visit from Prince George, who is adorable as can be. It wasn't that long ago we saw him on these very steps. Perhaps William and George were rooting for a brother since they both were donning blue sweaters. Twinning, much? How precious are George's signature knee-high socks??

Princess Name-Yet-to-be-Released is 4th in line to the thrown, knocking my husband Prince Harry to 5th.

tumblr_nnqjdjbXcy1qacinno1_1280Though it's really bugging me this little girl is being referred to as "the spare". While, yes, she is the one that has the next opportunity to rule if God forbid something happens to George or he decides to abdicate, but dubbing her "the spare" mere hours (minutes, really) after her birth isn't sitting right with me. "The Spare" title has a negative connotation, and besides, that child has more titles and money at >24 hours old than we mere peasants could dream of!

Upon exiting the hospital, the sleeping princess was seen wrapped in a blanket, either the same one her brother was wrapped in on his first trip into the world, or one very similar to, and a cream colored bonnet. No peek of what was underneath but maybe a dress that matches her bonnet?

Kate looked fabulous is a yellow floral Jenny Packham dress and nude heels, of course. She looks incredible for having just given birth hours ago!! I want to know her secrets — Aside from a great glam squad. 

Since a Royal Birth is such a joyous occasion, I had to dress up.

IMG_7429Surprisingly, I don't have very much solid pink in my arsenal (add that to the 'buy when I'm not broke' list!) so I opted for this two-tone collared tank I love. It's hard to tell but the shirt is a very pale pink with an orangey-red collar and I paired it with a tulle skirt and bright pink peep-toe pups.

I almost paired it with a tiara I was given many many years ago, but opted not to. I didn't want to outshine the newest Princess! ha!

I've had this top for about a year now and I don't wear it as often as I should. It rides up slightly in a line from armpit to armpit because of my chest (it's the ~ shadow in the above picture). The 100% silk top is very thin and being a light color makes it sheer, meaning an undershirt is always needed. Since the silk has to be dry cleaned only, I limit my wear so I don't have to dry clean it more than necessary.

IMG_7400I made the tulle skirt back in February. As it was then, it's still see-through so I grabbed a skirt slip and wore that for the sake of the pictures. I have a plan for what to not only eliminate the sheer factor but will also amp it up another notch.. I just have to get the fabric and do it.

Did you know tulle skirts are one of the biggest trends for this upcoming Spring? POPSUGAR listed tulle skirts as 1 of the 3 Spring Trends No One Can Stop Googling. I can definitely see why and hope I have enough reasons to wear mine! If you happen to see me grocery shopping in this skirt, don't worry about staring, you won't be the only one and it won't be the first time! haha

After taking these pictures I changed in to a pair of shorts to make for more comfortable and ladylike couch lounging and my dad came up to me and said, "you look very sixties, and British." Mission accomplished.

I'm anxious to see the stylish ensembles this little Princess will don in the coming years. Who knows, maybe I'll get to see the little beauty with my own eyes during my time in London!


What do you think the newest Royal will be called?


Top: Kate Spade
Skirt: I made it
Shoes: Had them for so long 
I don't remember! 


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