Thursday, March 12, 2015


Screen+Shot+2015-03-11+at+3.15.13+PMI embarked on quite an adventure earlier this week.

Said adventure included walking over 5 miles throughout the city but it was well worth it.

I'm not one to try to brag on myself and I usually wouldn't share this until the contest has ended (if even at all) but I'm so proud of the work I did I want to share.

Why, you may ask? Well, just watch this... 

First off, I have to say this would not have been possible without the help of my friend (and fellow Grady grad) Andrea. She was the one holding the camera and dealing with my crazy all day. Not to mention she also walked the aforementioned 5 miles around the city. So massive, MASSIVE thank you

Screen+Shot+2015-03-11+at+2.56.21+PMYou may be wondering what this video is about. Well, the Travel Channel (aka my DREAM JOB) is hosting a contest looking for the next Travel Channel Star. Good things come to those who work for it and boy I'm so, so proud of the work I did. Even if I don't win, I still have my own freaking work on the Travel Channel website! 

I wrote the script, I found the locations that would help illustrate the story (and places to park while shooting!!), I found someone willing to help me shoot it, we figured out a day that would work for both of us, and I edited it all together. Which is basically my undergrad degree in a nutshell! ha!

It's so easy for all of us to be self-critical, but even more so when you're watching and listening to yourself. You're over-analyzing every voice fluctuation, every potentially unflattering angle, and every single step you make, all while praying that it makes sense, praying you have enough shots and b-roll, and praying the judges think you have potential.

and praying that you look good. Georgia weather is unpredictable (snow/ice last week, 70's this week) and I wanted to look casual while remaining professional and like I was up for anything — any adventure that could come along. In my undergrad I learned a little about what colors will and won't work on camera and I've learned a bit more from doing background work. I knew I wanted to wear boots because people won't take me seriously if I'm rambling on about getting off the beaten path while wearing heels and a button up.

Not to mention all. the. walking. 

So I ended up with this look. Casual, comfortable, fashionable, while still practical and appropriate. Sure it's not what I'd wear on a plane (switch the jeans for yoga pants and the boots for slippers) but it's great to get out and explore in! Adding my backpack was also a very nice touch.

It helped that the weather was a bit overcast so I popped in the blue even more against the gray skies.

This portion of the contest ends in April and it's a total 3-round contest. The winner will be given the opportunity to host a 5-part web series. Any and all prayers, good vibes, well wishes, and plane tickets will be greatly appreciated!

If you were getting on a plane headed anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go? 


If you're curious, the places we shot at were: Jackson Street Bridge (which is also known this Walking Dead shot), the Krog Street Tunnel is home to all the graffiti (and also an adorable market and area with restaurants that I will be visiting again soon), and Pemberton Place — home to the Aquarium and World of Coke. 
Jacket: Target
Shirt: J. Crew
Undershirt: SNUG
Jeans: Guess
Boots: Macys


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